LQA Suite

Your all-in-one quality management tool for ensuring every translation meets your standards.



Get all the top LQA features you’d expect from the best out there—now built right into a high-performance TMS. No more hassle with importing and exporting. With features like content snapshots, bundling, and round-trip editing, creating samples, testing, and reviewing results is a breeze.

Whether you're an LQA pro or just diving in, Smartling’s LQA Suite makes quality assessment easier and more manageable than ever.

Why use the LQA Suite? 

A dedicated space for quality

No need to worry about production updates interrupting your assessments—a separate LQA environment keeps everything stable and focused.

Seamless sampling

Easily put together a reliable sample for quality checks. You can even combine content from different projects into one LQA job.

Streamlined edits

Quickly review all translation changes in bulk, and if needed, “roundtrip” the updates back into your production projects.

Perché aspettare per tradurre in modo più intelligente?

Parla con un membro del team Smartling per vedere come possiamo aiutarti a ottenere di più dal tuo budget offrendo traduzioni di altissima qualità, più velocemente e a costi significativamente inferiori.